Young, Smiling Family Engaging With Luggage

Anti-Theft System and VIN Etching Discounts

Save up to 5%

Did you know that in 2018, there were an estimated 748,841 car thefts nationwide1? Don't be a statistic on a crime report. By taking the necessary steps to protect your car from criminals, you could save money on your car insurance with the Good2Go Direct Anti-Theft Discount. Cars with a built-in anti-theft system (factory-made or self-installed) and VIN etching could earn a discount up to 5% on the comprehensive portion of your premium.

If you are an existing customer, please call Customer Service at 888-303-3430, 8:00 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. ET, or email anytime at to see if you qualify for this discount.

If you are a new customer, please call 855-646-4661, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to see if you qualify.

You can also get a free car insurance quote from Good2Go Direct and start driving legal today. We offer low down payments and easy monthly payment plans to get you on the road for less. It’s legal, cheap, and easy!2

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