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Defensive Driving Course Discounts

Average Discount: 5% - 15%

Accidents happen. It's a part of life, and here at Good2Go Direct, we understand that. Many times you can receive discounts on auto insurance for taking courses that make you a better, more defensive driver.

Defensive driving courses often involve a review of basic car maintenance, traffic laws, driving techniques, drug and alcohol education, and environmental hazards. Drivers must successfully complete and pass the state-certified course in order to be eligible for the discount. Age limitations may apply depending on your state.

Common Standards for Defensive Driving Discounts

Defensive Driver discounts may vary in standards and requirements, but will often include the following:

  • Complete/Pass an approved defensive driving course.
  • Take a defensive driving class once every several years to maintain the discount.
  • Typically, only one defensive driving discount is allowed per car.
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